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An unforgetable evening
Si, ayer fue una noche inolvidable, cenamos hamburguesa con patatas fritas, delicious!! y después bailamos las coreografías que habíamos ensayado por la tarde. Aquí os las dejo. ¡Lo pasamos en grande!

Después seguimos bailando en una fiesta al aire libre para despedir a nuestros compañeros del otro colegio

4th DAY 
Es nuestro penúltimo día y estamos un poco somnolientos después de la fiesta de ayer. El Padre Marcelino nos hace hoy un examen sobre tres cosas importantes de nuestra vida: la felicidad, el trabajo y la ayuda. Lleva otro de sus bastones

Después de nuestras lecciones sobre el mar y los océanos en inglés tenemos algo de tiempo libre. Free time at least!!!


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FUTURE TENSES                                                               3º ESO WILL.     Simple Future . Auxiliar Patterns :              AFF.       Subject + will or ´ll +main verb                                NEG.      Suject + won´t + main verb                              ...




In 1971,In the Philippines, some men discovered a group of 25 people in the rainforest. They called themselves Tasaday people and they lived like cave people in the stone age. They had fire but they did not use the wheel, did not have agriculture. They collected plants to eat and they trapped fish in the river. They were very peaceful people and they believed that the animals were their natural friends. The scientists claimed for protection and many governments gave money to the Philippines to make sure the Tasaday people were safe.They stopped all tree-cutting and road building in the area. A few months later, a journalist visited the Tasadays and he discovered that these people lived in houses, not in caves, they watched television and they wore modern clothes. They told the journalist that they were paid to look like prehistoric people. When the scientists returned very angry they found Tasadays living like in the stone age cave people again. Today that status is wid...