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       Students: choose your exam

This is a complete KET exam.
It consists of 3 papers:
 Paper 1: Reading and Writing (1 hour, 10 minutes)
 Paper 2: Listening (30 minutes)
 Paper 3: Speaking (8–10 minutes)
For the Reading and Writing paper and the Listening paper, candidates are given a question paper and an
answer sheet. Candidates record their answers by shading lozenges or writing their answers onto the
answer sheet. At the end of the Listening paper candidates are given 8 minutes to transfer their
answers onto the answer sheet.
For the Speaking paper, candidates are examined in pairs by two examiners. One of the examiners takes the role of interlocutor and the other is the assessor. The assessor does not take part in the exchange.
For further information on the KET exam, please see the KET Handbook or visit the Cambridge ESOL

Paper 1: Reading and Writing
Reading, Part 1: 5 questions requiring students to match sentences to short notices, signs or other short texts.
Reading, Part 2: 5 multiple-choice questions linked by a common topic.
Reading, Part 3: 5 multiple-choice questions requiring students to complete short conversational exchanges
 AND 5 matching questions requiring students to complete a dialogue.
Reading, Part 4: 7 multiple-choice questions OR 7 Right/Wrong/Doesn’t Say questions based on three short texts  or a longer text.
Reading, Part 5: 8 multiple-choice questions based on a gapped text.
Writing, Part 6: 5 words to complete based on dictionary definitions.
Writing, Part 7: 10 gap-fill questions based on a short text, such as a letter or email.
Writing, Part 8: 5 information transfer questions based on one or two short texts, requiring students to complete  a simple form, note or similar text.
Writing, Part 9: a short written text (25–30 words).
Each question in Parts 1–8 is worth 1 mark. Part 9 is worth 5 marks.
The Reading and Writing paper is worth 50% of the total mark for the whole exam.
Paper 2: Listening
Listening, Part 1: 5 multiple-choice questions based on illustrations and short dialogues.
Listening, Part 2: 5 matching questions based on a dialogue.
Listening, Part 3: 5 multiple-choice questions based on a dialogue.
Listening, Part 4: 5 gap-fill questions based on a dialogue.
Listening, Part 5: 5 gap-fill questions based on a monologue.
Each question in Parts 1–5 is worth 1 mark.
The Listening paper is worth 25% of the total mark for the whole exam.
Paper 3: Speaking
Speaking, Part 1: The examiner asks each candidate questions in turn (personal factual information, such as daily life, family, interests). (5–6 minutes)
Speaking, Part 2: The candidates ask and answer questions with each other using prompts provided.
 The prompt material will be related to daily life, leisure activities and social life. (3–4 minutes)
The Speaking paper is worth 25% of the total mark for the whole exam.



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