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2º ESO


Aquí podréis encontrar unas tablas explicando los distintos tipos de Oraciones Condicionales. Este curso solo se trabajarán los tipos 0,1 y 2 que sirven para hablar de situaciones reales, verdaderas, situaciones bastante posibles y situaciones imaginarias o hipotéticas en presente o futuro.


Aquí podéis encontrar algunos vídeos explicativos del uso de los tiempos que expresan futuro. En inglés y en español. Después de los vídeos encontraréis los apuntes.



(En español)
(En español)

FUTURE TENSES                                                              2º ESO
WILL.    Simple Future . Auxiliar
Patterns:             AFF.      Subject + will or ´ll +main verb
                               NEG.     Suject + won´t + main verb
                               INT.       Will + subject + main verb?
Uses:     Possible future actions  (with perhaps, maybe, I think…)
                Decisions at speaking
                Subjective predictions
                Fortune-teller (no evidences)

Patterns:             AFF.       Subj. + to be  present +going to + main verb
                               NEG.     Subj. + to be pres. + not + going to + main verb
                               INT.       To be present + subject + going to + main verb?
Uses:     Personal intentions
                Plans (You need pre-actions)
                Objective predictions (with evidences)
Exceptions: DO-STAY-GO             Present continuous for plans “What are you doing next weekend?”
Be going to for personal intentions “What are you going to do next weekend?
Patterns:             AFF.       Subj+ to be present +____-ing
                               NEG.     Subj + to be present + not +_____-ing
                               INT.       To be present + subj+______-ing?
Uses:     Present actions at speaking and long time present actions but not now.
                Future pre-arrangement (two people min.) “John´s playing golf with Tim next Friday”
Non continuous verbs   likes and dislikes, mental activity ,senses, auxiliary verbs   “be”, “have”, possession (own, belong)
Doubling last consonant rules:
1 syllable verb ending in cons.+vowel+cons   cons-ing                                             swimming
More than 1 syl. Verb ending in c + v +c        +      cons-ing  (If last syl. stressed)   preferring
-l  + l-ing (Br. English)                                                                                                                   travelling
Cons+e (no pronounced) = cons+ing                                                                                   loving
-ie = ying                                                                                                                                       dying


Exercise - Future Mix
Put the verbs into the correct form (will, going to, simple present or present progressive).
1.       I love London. I (probably / go) there next year.
2.       Our train (leave) at 4:47.
3.       What (wear / you) at the party tonight?
4.       I haven't made up my mind yet. But I think I (find) something nice in my mum's wardrobe.
5.       This is my last day here. I (go) back to England tomorrow.
6.       Hurry up! The conference (begin) in 20 minutes.
7.       My horoscope says that I (meet) an old friend this week.
8.       Look at these big black clouds! It (rain) .
9.       Here is the weather forecast. Tomorrow (be) dry and sunny.
10.    What does a little girl say when she sees a banana skin lying just a few metres in front of her? - Oh dear! I (slip) !

**Estamos elaborando los contenidos y ejercicios para su realización y estudio desde casa. Gracias (11-marzo-2020)


1.- HOW CRISIS AFFECTS SUMMER PLANS ( Pilar Martín, Sara Jane Durwin, Vanesa Yupangui)


3.- URBAN TRIBES (Valentina Muñoz , Carmen Ruiz and Alba Frías)

4.- CSI Delicias  (Valentino Ivaylov and Sergio Ruiz)

5.-Music in the underground (Thaylanne Macedo and Nadia García)

6.- Songs that marked our lives (Sandra Marín, Alba Frías, Silvia

7.- Bilingual Schools  (Mar Rogles and Alba Pérez)


Simple sentence: one verb:                             Sarah dances hip hop
Compound sentence : more than one verb:     She loves music but they don´t go to concerts
                                    COORDINATED: clause+ clause  (both the same cathegory)
                                    + clause   AND       + clause
                                       +           BUT        -
                                       -            BUT        +
                                       -             OR         -

                                    SUBORDINATED: Main clause + Subordinated clause  (The subordinated cl. depends on the main one). One of the subordinated types are Conditional sentences

Main clause + "IF" clause
Nexus: if, unless, whether ( escritos legales), when ( con pres. simple para acciones muy ciertas)
Place: when the "if" clause is at the begining, there must be a comma between the clauses.
Types: ZERO CONDITIONAL      100% Possibility (certain)
           FIRST CONDITIONAL        90% Possibility (probable)
           SECOND COND.                 30% Possibility (possible)
           THIRD CONDITIONAL         0% Possibility (impossible)

ZERO CONDITIONAL ....................IF CLAUSE       +    MAIN CLAUSE                                      
 Rule                                                    Present Simple    +     Present Simple
Physical laws                         
Universal truths                            eg.    If there isn´t water,   life doesn´t exist

FIRST CONDITIONAL  ....................IF CLAUSE      +    MAIN CLAUSE                 
Rule ...................................................Simple Present     +      Simple Future

                                                   eg.  If  my friends come,  we will play football

Variations..........................................Present Continuous +     Modals: must, have to
                                                          Present Perfect       +              should, can, may
                                                                                        +      Imperative (2nd. person)

eg: If you are passing all your exams, what will you study?
     You must go to school if she has seen you
     If it is raining, don´t go out!
     He may visit me if he travels here




The present perfect simple expresses an action that is still going on or that stopped recently, but has an influence on the present.

  We use the Present Perfect to say that an action happened at an unspecified time before now. The exact time is not important. You CANNOT use the Present Perfect with specific time expressions such as: yesterday, one year ago, last week. We CAN use the Present Perfect with unspecific expressions such as: ever, never, once, many times, several times, before, so far, already, yet, etc.



                                Positive             Negative                Question

I / you / we / they   I have spoken. I have not spoken. Have I spoken?

he / she / it            He has spoken. He has not spoken. Has he spoken? 

For irregular verbs, use the participle form (see list of irregular verbs, 3rd column). For regular verbs, just add “ed”.

Exceptions in Spelling when Adding ‘ed’

1.-After a final -e only add -d – loved

2.-Final consonant after a short, stressed vowel or -l as final consonant after a vowel is doubled 

eg. admit – admitted   travel – travelled

3.-Final -y after a consonant becomes -i    eg.hurry – hurried


Use of Present Perfect

1.- An action that is still going  .            Example: School has not started yet.

2.- An action that stopped recently.              Example: She has cooked dinner.

3.-Finished action that has an influence on the present.  Example: I have lost my key.

4.- An action that has taken place once, never or several times before the moment of speaking.

                Example: I have never been to Australia.

Signal Words of Present Perfect

Already, ever, just, never, not yet, so far, till now, up to now



WH Question Words

We use question words to ask certain types of questions (question word questions). We often refer to them as WH words because they include the letters WH (for example WHy, HoW).
Question WordFunctionExample
whatasking for information about somethingWhat is your name?
asking for repetition or confirmationWhat? I can't hear you.
You did what?
what...forasking for a reason, asking whyWhat did you do that for?
whenasking about timeWhen did he leave?
whereasking in or at what place or positionWhere do they live?
whichasking about choiceWhich colour do you want?
whoasking what or which person or people (subject)Who opened the door?
whomasking what or which person or people (object)Whom did you see?
whoseasking about ownershipWhose are these keys?
Whose turn is it?
whyasking for reason, asking what...forWhy do you say that?
why don'tmaking a suggestionWhy don't I help you?
howasking about mannerHow does this work?
asking about condition or qualityHow was your exam?
how + adj/advasking about extent or degreesee examples below
how fardistanceHow far is Pattaya from Bangkok?
how longlength (time or space)How long will it take?
how manyquantity (countable)How many cars are there?
how muchquantity (uncountable)How much money do you have?
how oldageHow old are you?
how come (informal)asking for reason, asking whyHow come I can't see her?

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FUTURE TENSES                                                               3º ESO WILL.     Simple Future . Auxiliar Patterns :              AFF.       Subject + will or ´ll +main verb                                NEG.      Suject + won´t + main verb                              ...




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