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TIPS FOR AN ENGLISH EXAM REVISION 1.-Pay attention in the class and take notes. 2.-Revise all the contents and make sure you have everything you need. 3.-Do you understand everything? If not, ask your teacher! 4.-Check your exercises and do some extra activities to practice. 5.-Make a vocabulary list and mark the new words. 6.-Cover it and say/write the new words until you can remember them. 7.-Test yourself in different ways. 8.-Now you are ready. Try to relax.


 Hello again, this school year our students are learning about festivals and celebrations in some English speaking countries. Our native language assistants Mrs, Scully and Mrs Ravindran are explaining and working with our students how they celebrate some special dates: 1.- COLUMBUS DAY , OCTOBER 12TH 2.- HALLOWEEN, OCTOBER 31ST     3.- ALL SAINTS´DAY NOVEMBER 1ST.   4.-REMEMBRANCE DAY NOVEMBER 11TH 5.-THANKSGIVING DAY


All Saints' Day Information PowerPoint : When you’re putting together All Saints’ Day lesson plans, you’ll need a variety of resources at your disposal. Teaching students about All Saints’ Day requires you to grab their attention. This is because the holiday doesn’t have the mainstream awareness that Christmas and Easter do. However, celebrating the many saints of the church makes it one of the most important holidays in the Christian calendar.Therefore, All Saints’ Day lesson plans require resources that can, engagingly, get information across. This All Saints’ Day information PowerPoint is a great example of this kind of resource. It is made up of ten slides, each of them using eye-catching colour illustrations. These slides break down the fundamental information your lesson plan need to get across.Firstly, it explains about the holiday itself, and why it is celebrated, before going over when the holiday was founded. It then covers a crucial definition that will help your student...


  ENGLISH PRESENTATIONS IN SECONDARY Empezamos de nuevo. Un año más echamos a rodar con uno de nuestro proyectos estrella: Las presentaciones en inglés de forma graduada en Educación Secundaria. Este  proyecto tiene varios objetivos: El trabajo en grupo, la búsqueda y selección de información,  investigación y organización de un tema cultural,  aprender a hablar en público, mejorar las habilidades tecnológicas, la autoevaluación y evaluación grupal, y por encima de todo la práctica y mejora del inglés oral. Para ello la secuenciación de los temas es el siguiente: 1º eso: Aspectos culturales en el Reino Unido e Irlanda 2ºeso:  Aspectos culturales en Los Estados Unidos y otros países de habla inglesa 3º eso: Tema libre 4º eso: Literatura en lengua inglesa, autores y obras      


    On September 8, 2022, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II passed away. At 96 years of age and reigning as queen for 70 years, she was the longest-living, longest-reigning British monarch.  In 1947, Queen Elizabeth II married Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, a former prince of Greece and Denmark. The couple has four children: Charles, Prince of Wales; Anne, Princess Royal; Prince Andrew, Duke of York; and Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex. When her father died in 1952, Elizabeth, then 25, became the head of the Commonwealth. The following year, Elizabeth was crowned and officially recognized as sovereign. Since then, the queen has served in her role as the queen of England, and in 2017, she became the first British monarch to reach a Sapphire Jubilee—a celebration to mark 65 years of her reign. This year's summer was the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, marking her 70 years as queen. On September 6, 2022, while at Balmoral Castle, Scotland, the queen met with newly elected leade...


MY 2022 NEW YEAR´S RESOLUTIONS What is a New year´s resolution ? a firm decision made on New Year's Eve or New Year's Day to do or refrain from doing something over the course of the coming year.  e.g. "he is determined to keep his New Year's resolution to get fit" Here you can find some ideas to start with. Good luck!!!